[디랑DRAN] Recommending a big size of mist containing glacial milk
The material of container for this D’RAN Mist is a pet so that this big size of Mist is light
and you do not have to worry that it would not be broken because it is a
It is good to carry around becuase
the entrance is a pump type and it has a cover!
Because it is a big size, you could
worry that it is difficult to grab it once! But it is easy^^
You can
grab it with one hand easily!
Now!! How much it is powerful to be
spread is the most important~
When you spray it closer, some water
drops are hung on face but it is spread out thoroughly without any water drops
when you spray it a bit from a distance^^
I tried it on the back of my hand~
Is it spread out well on the whole? It
sprays really well!
And when you tap it lightly using a
hand~ it was absorbed at once and there were no remains. Finally, the skin
feels moist~
I tried on my face~ my face skin has
been dry even wearing basic skin care but this mist gave me real moist and I
felt moist on my face~
Alaska glacial milk into skin and the whitening effect spraying this Korean Cosmetic, D’RAN
Whitening Facial Mist^^
*DRAN Cosmetic*
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