디랑: DRAN Wonder Tea Tree Spot Gel
I am a member of ‘Who loves D'RAN’ who experiences DRAN cosmetics!
I have experienced a spot product from
DRAN caring skin troubles.

Tea Tree is the most effective component
calming troubled skin.
If you are someone who suffered from pimples on skin, you would have heard about Tea Tree.
If you are someone who suffered from pimples on skin, you would have heard about Tea Tree.
Tea Tree is the extract
from leaf of Witch hazel tree which is a component having an effect of
protecting and calming skin.

It is more effective especially in
hot weather so that people love Tea Tree soap, cosmetic and so on to care
I have known that it is prohibited
saying ‘good for pimples’ on cosmetic products not on medicines in Korea.
That is why it is difficult to
promote the cosmetics in the market which are good for pimples or skin
troubles, so you would better keep a sense how you get to know which cosmetic
is good for the troubles!
Also, DRAN Cosmetic dose not say that
directly but it seems good for calming pimples and skin troubles.
The main
component that this DRAN Wonder Spot contains is the extract of a natural tea
tree from Australia without divisor water.
This Korean Cosmetic goes for low stimulus on skin and
has no Parabens and alcohol. And White willow bark
extract on it has the
effect of natural Conservation, calming and protecting
skin, protecting skin from losing moist.
It also contains the extract from Cypress leaves which works for calming skin and
skin trouble like Tea Tree.
It is good to carry because it is as
longer as a hand.
Tree is a kind of hub, which helps calming skin.
It is excellent to protect skin from
outside bad environment and good for people who have a sensitive skin type
because it is very effective to calm
skin troubles and pimples.
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